The 'do it all' camera, nowadays.
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by Daniel Raskin Two eras of building construction are captured in this photo of a San Francisco scene. Neighborhood Puzzles
by Robert Weiner A photographer finds sights in the Mission District of San Francisco that leave you puzzled. Ironies and Incongruities - Natural and Designed
by Charlene Anderson An OLLI photographer shows us scenes from San Francisco that display Ironies and Incongruities. Color in the Haight
by Linda L. Day A close observer of urban neighborhoods shows us some scenes that you may not have noticed before. Reflections in Downtown San Francisco
by Charles G. Mayes A close observer of buildings shows some of his recent reflections in downtown San Francisco. Ironies and Incongruities in the Neighborhood
by Joe Catalano A photographer with a wry sense of humor and a keen eye shows us some scenes in San Francisco that will make you wonder. Interesting Garden Scenes
by MJ Moore A photographer finds interesting scenes in some suburban gardens. Names of first time contributors to Vistas & Byways are shown in red.
CITY SCENESSurprising City Scenes
by Barbara Applegate A photographer with a sharp eye shows us some surprising city scenes. A Visit to the Contemporary Jewish Museum in San Francisco
by Pam Pitt An OLLI member on a group tour of this museum finds the "light" inside the museum just as interesting as the displayed art works. Vertical Divider
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