"Roses are red, Violets are blue,
Let's see if I can write a poem or two." Photo by Weebly.com |
Poems about A New DayHappiness Was
by Karen Marker Beauty, hope and light seem eternal in this poignant portrait of innocence on the eve of Kent State. Life Study
by Steve Surryhne In a poem full of surprises, the poet illuminates the line between madness and greatness, and how that line can disappear. The Day I Understood Why I Am Me
by Vivian Imperiale This introspective piece details the poet's awareness that her life choices have put her on a path travelled before. Holy Encounter
by David A. Scott The children of God sometimes hide in plain sight: this poem documents the author's deep appreciation of God's Light in a fellow traveler. Christian Naming Day
by Corey Weinstein The poet is confronted by the sharp voice of authority demanding to know a name he never had. Western Days
by Kathy Gilbert A nostalgic trip through early TV Westerns, with their hummable tunes and simplistic themes, takes a darker turn as reality enters the national scene. Never Lost
by Kathryn J. Miller The poet finds herself, and realizes she is not lost wherever it is that she finds herself. Why We Say I Do
by Kathryn Santana Goldman In this intimate and charming vignette, the poet reveals the rewards of sharing life with a caring partner. Magpie
by MJ Moore The poet reveres the masterpiece, and resolves an enigma in Monet's miraculous canvas. Names of first time contributors to Vistas & Byways are shown in red.
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Poems about Other TopicsTwo Poems: 1. Happiness and
2. Taos in Spring by Roberta Griefer 1. The poet finds a wellspring of joy in both the beautiful and the mundane. 2. Have you ever imagined bug sex? In this poem, sassy insects carouse and copulate. If I Tremble . . .
by Joe Catalano This polished gem offers an inspiring meditation on how to meet death. Two Poems: 1. Congress of Flowers, and
2. Farewell, My Cane by Jane Barrier 1. Is it a random array, or does it follow a pattern too abstruse for us to know? 2. With humorous acceptance, the poet bids a fond farewell to her sinewy cane and embraces the “stolid sureness” of a walker. Never to Be
by Vivian Imperiale A touching poem about missed possibilities and how the past remains with us. Two Poems: 1. Playdate with Layla, and
2. Unexpected Lessons by Elsa Fernandez 1. A powerful poem about the rescue of a child from the rubble of the Turkey earthquake and the bond that forms between the two. 2. In this powerful poem a rescue worker performs a small act of kindness and transforms despair into unexpected gratitude. songs in revery
by Kathryn J. Miller So much we don't know, but we are in thrall to the magic of it all. Slow-Simmered Bolognese
by Kathryn Santana Goldman A magical description of that all too true axiom, you are what you eat! Brown Eyes
by Kathryn Santana Goldman A visit to the grocery store turns into a heartfelt ethical challenge when a young boy asks the poet, “What would you do?” A Rochester, New York Childhood
by Dan Liberthson In this brilliant poem, the colorblind poet conveys the wounds, pain, and scars inflicted by a society that judges solely on color. Elegy for Beauregard
by Dan Liberthson The poet presents a beautiful, humorous, grief-filled elegy for a beloved dog. Putting Wrinkles Back
by Jane Russell In the midst of our youth-worshipping culture, the poet celebrates the beauty in the joys and sorrows etched in her face. Two Poems: 1. Meta-4/4, and 2. My Grandfather
by Dennis Sides 1. Tie on your running shoes! A jog reveals the fantastic colors and deep rhythms of city life. 2. The remembered fragments of a life: some funny, some sad, but all forever. Fallow Season
MJ Moore The poet longs to lie fallow in harmony with nature's rhythms of the dying year. Names of first time contributors to Vistas & Byways are shown in red.